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Speaking part three

Length: 4 - 5 minutes 


The examiner will explain that they will ask you some general questions relating to the topic in part 2. 

There are 3 sets of questions the examiner can choose from - easy/ medium/ harder difficulty. 

The examiner will choose the set based on how well you did in parts 1 & 2. 

There are 3 questions per set, but the examiner will ask you some follow up questions on your response. 

At the end of the section the examiner will say 'Thank you, that is the end of the speaking test'

Do not ask the examiner any questions. They cannot tell you any indication about how you did. Leave the room politely. 

How should I answer questions in part 3?

You should give a detailed answer. You should support your answer with examples, reasons, and results. 

What if I don't know about the topic?

It is ok. IELTS is not a test of knowledge on topics. You are not expected to be an expert on the topic. It is a test of communication. You need to communicate why you don't know, but you should also make a guess. 

Do I need to answer straight away?

You don't have to answer instantly. You can take a moment to think about what you are going to say. Let the examiner know you are thinking of your answer. However, do not take too long. 

What if I don't understand the question?

The examiner is allowed to repeat the question and to rephrase it. Politely ask them to rephrase it or clarify something if you are not sure that you understand it correctly. 

Is there a time limit for my answers?

No, but if you are speaking for too long, the examiner may stop you so that they can move on to another question. 

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