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Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



There is contention among those who govern nations and those who have a vested interest in the country’s well-being as to what the government should prioritize. A commonly held argument is that economic progress is of paramount importance and should be the focus of the government. However, others dispute this and claim that other areas of development are just as crucial for the nation. It seems impossible that economic development could be achieved without appropriate attention being given to other concerning areas, so the second view holds more merit than the first. The various reasons why the government should pay attention to the economy and other areas will be examined throughout this essay.


It is certainly reasonable to understand why some people argue in favor of economic development being the focal point of governance. A prosperous nation would most likely lead to a higher rate of employment within the nation due to companies expanding and requiring greater human resources. This has two consequences which benefit the nation, and the first of which is that the social issues often attributed to high unemployment could be alleviated such as crime and poverty. The latter beneficial effect is that when more people have jobs, there is more disposable income within the country and they in turn help to stimulate the economy through spending. The greater position on the world stage is another reason why countries should ensure that they are economically powerful. Traditional wars of military conflict appear to be a past way for nations to compete and these days it is more likely for them to have trade wars as can be seen by the recent tensions between the US and China. If the country does not have a stable and strong economy, then it may well have to bow to the wishes of nations with far greater GDPs.


Alternatively, it is very much arguable that a strong economy cannot occur if other areas of development are not equally considered in the government’s plans. It would certainly be hard to have a strong economy without a highly educated population, especially since most manual jobs can now be done by automation. Were a nation to neglect the funding of schools and universities, then it may well be difficult to stay up to date without a large number of knowledgeable workers with expertise in modern areas such as computer technologies. Equality within the country, while perhaps being impossible, is something that countries should also target. Throughout history there have been many examples of nations which were powerful and wealthy, but this power and wealth was restricted to only a minority of the nation, an elite group. Such situation is very unstable and has been the cause of many revolutions and civil unrest which were usually followed by a long period of economic recovery.


In conclusion, the economy is certainly important for a nation, but its development cannot be achieved unilaterally. Other areas must be supported and given attention if the nation wishes to be both powerful and stable.

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