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Phrasal verbs 

What are phrasal verbs? 

Phrasal verbs are the combination of a verb and preposition(s) or adverb. This phrase has a different meaning to its individual words

Why are they important? 

  1. Phrasal verbs are very commonly used in English, so learning them will help you understand native speakers more easily. 

  2. They are idiomatic phrasing which means they help test takers get to a band 7 in the lexical resource requirement for speaking. 

  3. They are not culturally specific. A lot of idioms come from regions and are not used by all English speakers. Phrasal verbs are used by all English speakers. 

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Common Travel Phrasal Verbs: 

Set off

Meaning: To start a journey. 

Example: We will set off tomorrow at 8 am. 

Take off (can be verb and noun)

Meaning: When a plane leaves the ground. 

Example: Our flight will take off at 9 pm tomorrow. (verb) 

I always feel nervous during take off. (noun) 

Check in 

Meaning: to register at the hotel and or at the airport. 

Example: There was a long queue so it took us a long time to check in for our flight. 

Check out

Meaning: to leave a hotel after finishing staying there. 

Example: It was really easy to check out from the hotel. Most of it was automated. 

Look around

Meaning: explore a place. 

Example: It was so exciting looking around Rome. There was so much ancient history everywhere. 

Drop off

Meaning: to leave someone or something at a particular place. 

Example: My aunt dropped me off at the airport. (someone)

Let us drop off our bags at the hotel then we can go have lunch. (something) 

Pick up

Meaning: to collect someone or something from a particular place. 

Example: My uncle is going to pick me up from the train station. (someone)

I need to pick up some sunscreen. (something) 

Go through

Meaning: to pass a check point or process. 

Example: It can be quite scary going through passport control in some countries. 

Get away (can be a verb and a noun) 

Meaning: To take a short holiday to escape for a while. 

Example: I really need to get away for a weekend. Work has been making me very stressed. (verb) 

I booked a quick get away next month. I'm going to the beach for a few day. (noun)

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Common Work Phrasal Verbs 

Clock in/out

Meaning: registering the time you start work (in) and finish work (out). 

Example: Some companies require their workers to clock in and out. If they clock in late, their salary will be reduced. 

Take on

Meaning: to accept a responsibility or task. 

Example: The new employee is taking on too much work. He needs to know when to say no. 

Call off

Meaning: to cancel an event or plan. 

Example: The manager called off the meeting because key individuals were unavailable to attend. 

Put off

Meaning: to delay something. 

Example: He is always putting off doing the reports. If he doesn't change, then he may lose his job. 

Catch up on

Meaning: to get updated on what has been happening so far or to do work that has fallen behind. 

Example: She was sick for two weeks so there was a lot of work she needed to catch up on. 

Fill in (2 work related meanings)

1st meaning: To do someone else's job while they are unavailable. 

Example: John is sick today. I need you to fill in for him in the sales meeting. 

2nd meaning: to inform someone the details of something. 

Example: Before we meet the client, could you fill me in on what their needs are. 

Break down

Meaning: to separate a task into smaller parts. 

Example: They broke the project down into 4 sections. First, they will start with design. 

Bring up

Meaning: to mention or introduce a topic in a conversation or a meeting. 

Example: I would like to bring up the sales figures as they are far better than we expected. 

Follow up

Meaning: to check on the progress or state of something. 

Example: After sales service will follow up with you in 3 weeks to check how satisfied you are with the product. 

Burn out

Meaning: to become overwhelmed and exhausted by work leading to stress. 

Example: I want you to reduce the hours you are working each week. I don't want you to burn out. 

Step up

Meaning: to take on more work responsibilities or to work harder. 

Example: The team leader, Michelle, is out sick. I need one of you to step up and lead the team until she returns. 

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Common Friendship And Relationship Phrasal Verbs 

Hang out

Meaning: to spend time together casually.

Example: She often hangs out with her friends at the sports center. 


Hit it off

Meaning: to quickly have a good connection with someone. 

Example: When she met her new classmate, they hit it off so quickly. They have a lot of the same interests. 


Drift apart

Meaning: to slowly lose contact with someone. 

Example: We were so close at university, but we have drifted apart since then. I don't even know where he lives now. 


Patch things up

Meaning: To reconcile after an argument. 

Example: She brought her sister a cake to patch things up. She hated it when they argued


Lean on 

Meaning: to rely on someone for support or comfort.

Example: She really needed someone to lean on after her divorce. 

Open up

Meaning: to share personal feelings and ideas. 

Example: Her sister is the only one she can really open up to. 

Fall for 

Meaning: to develop feelings for someone. 

Example: When she first met him, she didn't fall for him quickly. However, once she got to know him well, she fell for him. 

Break up

Meaning: to end a relationship. 

Example: She broke up with her boyfriend last week. 

Ask out

Meaning: to ask someone to go on a date.

Example: He was so nervous when he asked out Jane, but she said yes, and they had a wonderful time at the dance. 

Make up

Meaning: to reconcile after a disagreement. 

Example: It took them a long time to make up after they realised they both wanted to date the same person. 

Let down

Meaning: to disappoint someone. 

Example: She felt she had let her parents down because her grades were not as high as she hoped they would be. 

Fall out

Meaning: to have an argument and stop talking to each other. 

Example: After her friend laughed at her outfit, they fell out and haven't spoken to each other since. 


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Common Sports Phrasal Verbs 

Warm up

Meaning: to prepare the muscles for physical activity through gentle exercise. 

Example: The team is warming up by jogging around the pitch. 

Cool down

Meaning: gradually reducing the intensity of an exercise session. 

Example: They spend 5 minutes walking after their run to cool down

Gear up

Meaning: to put on the needed sports equipment. 

Example: The substitute needed to gear up as he was about to go on, but he couldn't find his helmet. 

Work out (can be a verb and a noun)

Meaning: to engage in physical activities to improve fitness. 

Example: She works out for 30 minutes every morning before going to work. (verb)

Her work out mostly involves yoga. (noun) 

Train for 

Meaning: to prepare for a particular sporting event. 

Example: She spent 4 months training for the marathon. 

Go for

Meaning: to attempt to achieve something. 

Example: He's got the ball, and he's going for goal. 

She looks determined. I think she's going for the world record. 

Pull ahead

Meaning: to take the lead in a competition. 

Example: He has pulled ahead of the rest. He is about 50 metres ahead of them now. 

Face off

Meaning: to compete against an opponent. 

Example: In this match Johnson will face off against Roberts for the gold. 


Hold on to

Meaning: to keep possession or the lead in a competition. 

Example: The team really needs to hold on to the ball. (possession)

The score is now 3 - 2. They need to hold on to this lead for 5 more minutes. (lead) 


Bring home 

Meaning: to win or achieve success. 

Example: The country was celebrating. Their team had brought home the world title. 


Pull off 

Meaning: to successfully do a difficult move in a sport. 

Example: He managed to pull off an excellent shot to win the game.  

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Common Study Phrasal Verbs 

Read up on

Meaning: to study and gather information about a particular topic. 

Example: He needed to read up on fiscal policies before his exam. 

Look over

Meaning: to review or examine something briefly. 

Example: My friend looked over my essay and said it looked good. 

Brush up on

Meaning: to refresh your knowledge on a certain topic. 

Example: I need to brush up on linear equations before starting this course. 

Take in

Meaning: to absorb or comprehend information.

Example: He was very sleep so he didn't take in much what was being said in the lecture. 


Cram for

Meaning: to study intensively for an exam. 

Example: She spent the night cramming for her finals. 

Go through 

Meaning: To carefully examine or study something in detail. 

Example: After finishing his essay, he went though it carefully to see if he had made any mistakes. 


Drop out

Meaning: to leave a course or educational institute before it ends. 

Examples: She dropped out of her Advanced Maths class. It was too challenging for her. 


Keep up with

Meaning: to stay at the same level as others or the pace of the course. 

Example: She found it hard to keep up with the other students. They seemed to understand it all much faster than her. 


Fall behind

Meaning: to fail to keep pace with the studies or other students in the class. 

Example: He added an extra hour of studying each day so that he wouldn't fall behind. 


Hand it/ turn in

Meaning: to submit some work or assignment. 

Example: Make sure you hand in/ turn in your essay before the deadline.  

Show up for

Meaning: to attend a class or lecture. 

Example: She was worried because her friend hadn't shown up for class. 

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